Sticky Fingaz kills Vampires

Throw your silver swords in the air? Ok this has got to be the weirdest casting ever. Maybe this came out a while ago, but really who was paying attention to the announcement of Blade the Series other than a bunch of people dressed in black (or secretly hoping to get bitten by a vampire). But now Spike may actually have a hit, and its starring maybe the craziest rapper this side of ODB, and they are giving him weapons! I like how they don't have a bio for him on the homepage, probably a good thing.
My mind, it's graphic, expresstic graphic
So kill the cop because it's kept all mastic
Directin' it, when y'all least expected it
and thought it was safe...
At least it will keep him from hurting any living things. Perhaps this could be an idea to calm the violence in hip hop? Give the really crazy rappers acting jobs where they get to kill people with tons of different weapons? Or let them get killed by weird things, like LL Cool J and the sharks. Maybe let Cassidy & R. Kelly make Bad Boys 3 and just blow tons of things up. Then again, DMX killing people in movies hasn't exactly stopped him...But how can you stop someone who just loves stealing cars more than a music career.
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